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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Ariely D., Predictably irrational: the hidden forces that shape our decisions, Harper, New York, NY 2008, 1st ed.
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4. Bacigalupi P., Wodny nóż, tłum. M. Jakuszewski, Wydawnictwo MAG, Warszawa 2015.
5. Bacigalupi P., Foreword, [w:] Loosed upon the world: the Saga anthology of climate fiction, red. J.J. Adams, Saga Press, New York 2015, First Saga Press hardcover edition.
6. Bacigalupi P., i NPR Staff, What If The Drought Doesn't End? "The Water Knife" Is One Possibility, "NPR", 23.05.2015, sekc. Author Interviews,
7. Baker A., "You Need to Use Hope like a Club to Beat Your Opponent." Kim Stanley Robinson on Climate Change and Fiction, 8.09.2021,, 7.12.2021.
8. Ballew M.T., Leiserowitz A., Roser-Renouf C., Rosenthal S.A., Kotcher J.E., Marlon J.R., Lyon E., Goldberg M.H., i Maibach E.W., Climate Change in the American Mind: Data, Tools, and Trends, "Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development", 2019, t.61, nr 3, s. 4-18.
9. Barthes R., Efekt rzeczywistości, "Teksty Drugie", 2012, nr 4 (136).
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11. Berns G.S., Blaine K., Prietula M.J., i Pye B.E., Short- and Long-Term Effects of a Novel on Connectivity in the Brain, "Brain Connectivity", 2013, t.3, nr 6, s. 590-600.
12. Betensky C., Feeling for the poor: bourgeois compassion, social action, and the Victorian novel, University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville 2010, Victorian literature and culture series.
13. Bloom P., Against empathy: the case for rational compassion, 2017.
14. Boykoff M., Creative (climate) communications productive pathways for science, policy and society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2019.
15. CNN S.A., Barack Obama lists his favorite books of 2020, 18.12.2020,, 23.02.2022.
16. Di Bella M.P., i Elkins J., Representations of pain in art and visual culture, Routledge, New York 2013, Routledge advances in art and visual studies 4.
17. Farca P.A., There Will Be Blood - Water Futures in Paolo Bacigalupi's The Water Knife and Claire Vaye Watkins's Gold Fame Citrus, [w:] Make waves: water in contemporary writing, red. P.A. Farca, University of Nevada Press, Reno, Nevada 2019, s. 381-99.
18. Johnson C.D., i Johnson V.E., The social impact of the novel: a reference guide, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn 2002.
19. Jordan J., Gold Fame Citrus by Claire Vaye Watkins review - a wild trip in the American west, "The Guardian", 10.02.2016, sekc. Books,
20. Kingsolver B.), Lot motyla, tłum. A. Kłosiewicz, Prószyński Media, Warszawa 2013.
21. LeMenager S., Climate Change and the Struggle for Genre, [w:] Anthropocene Reading: Literary History in Geologic Times, red. T. Menely i J.O. Taylor, Penn State University Press, University Park, Pa 2017, s. 220-238,
22. Linville P.W., i Fischer G.W., Preferences for separating or combining events, "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology", 1991, t.60, nr 1, s. 5-23.
23. Lowe T.D., Is this climate porn? How does climate change communication affect our perceptions and behaviour, "Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Working Paper", 2006, t.98, s. 43.
24. Malpas I., Climate fiction is a vital tool for producing better planetary futures, "The Lancet. Planetary Health", 2021, t.5, nr 1, s. e12-e13.
25. Małecki W., Experimental Ecocriticism, or How To Know If Literature Really Works?, [w:] Routledge Handbook of Ecocriticism and Environmental Communication, red. S. Slovic i V. Sarveswaran, Routledge, London 2019, s. 211-223.
26. Małecki W., Experimental Methods for the Environmental Humanities: Measuring Affects and Effects, [w:] Empirical Ecocriticism, red. M. Schneider-Mayerson, A. Weik von Mossner, Małecki, Wojciech, i F. Hakemulder, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2023.
27. Małecki W., Pawłowski B., Cieński M., i Sorokowski P., Can fiction make us kinder to other species? The impact of fiction on pro-animal attitudes and behavior, "Poetics", 2018, t.66, s. 54-63.
28. Małecki W., Pawłowski B., i Sorokowski P., Literary Fiction Influences Attitudes Toward Animal Welfare, "PLOS ONE", 2016, t.11, nr 12, s. e0168695.
29. Małecki W., Pawłowski B., Sorokowski P., i Oleszkiewicz A., Feeling for textual animals: Narrative empathy across species lines, "Poetics", 2019, t.74, s. 101334 [1-8].
30. Małecki W., Sorokowski P., Pawłowski B., i Cieński M., Human Minds and Animal Stories: How Narratives Make Us Care About Other Species, Routledge, New York 2019.
31. Marshall G., Don't even think about it: why our brains are wired to ignore climate change / George Marshall., Bloomsbury Publishing, New York, NY 2014.
32. Milner A., i Burgmann J.R., Science Fiction and Climate Change: A Sociological Approach, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool 2020, Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies 63.
33. Phillips A., Turning the page: the evolution of the book, Routledge, London and New York 2014.
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35. Ramos Perez M.I., The Water Apocalypse : Utopian Desert Venice Cities and Arcologies in Southwestern Dystopian Fiction, "Ecozona", 2016, t.7, nr 2, s. 44-64.
36. Reisner M., Cadillac desert: the American West and its disappearing water, Viking, New York, N.Y., U.S.A 1986.
37. Robinson K.S., Forty signs of rain, Bantam Books, New York 2004.
38. Robinson K.S., The ministry for the future, Orbit, New York, NY 2020, First edition.
39. Schneider-Mayerson M., The Influence of Climate Fiction: An Empirical Survey of Readers, "Environmental Humanities", 2018, t.10, nr 2, s. 473-500.
40. Schneider-Mayerson M., Whose Odds? The Absence of Climate Justice in American Climate Fiction Novels, "ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment", 2019, t.26, nr 4, s. 944-967.
41. Schneider-Mayerson M., "Just as in the Book"? The Influence of Literature on Readers' Awareness of Climate Injustice and Perception of Climate Migrants, "ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment", 2020, t.27, nr 2, s. 337-364.
42. Schneider-Mayerson M., Gustafson A., Leiserowitz A., Goldberg M.H., Rosenthal S.A., i Ballew M., Environmental Literature as Persuasion: An Experimental Test of the Effects of Reading Climate Fiction, "Environmental Communication", 2020, t.0, nr 0, s. 1-16.
43. Schneider-Mayerson M., Weik Von Mossner A., i Małecki W., Why Ecocriticism Needs the Social Sciences (and Vice Versa), 21.07.2021,
44. Schneider-Mayerson M., Weik von Mossner A., i Małecki W.P., Empirical Ecocriticism: Environmental Texts and Empirical Methods, "ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment", 2020, t.27, nr 2, s. 327-336.
45. Shen L., The Effect of Message Frame in Anti-Smoking Public Service Announcements on Cognitive Response and Attitude Toward Smoking, "Health Communication", 2010, t.25, nr 1, s. 11-21.
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48. Slovic S., i Slovic P., Numbers and nerves: information, emotion, and meaning in a world of data, Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR 2015.
49. Strang V., Re-imagining the River: New Environmental Ethics in Human Engagements with Water, "One Earth", 2020, t.2, nr 3, s. 204-206.
50. Summitt A.R., Contested waters: an environmental history of the Colorado River, University Press of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 2013.
51. Von Mossner A.W., Sensing the Heat: Weather, Water, and Vulnerabilities in Paolo Bacigalupi's The Water Knife, "REAL-Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature: Vol. 33 (2017): Meteorologies of Modernity. Weather and Climate Discourses in the Anthropocene", 2017, t.33, s. 173-89.
52. Watkins C.V., Gold Fame Citrus, Riverhead Books, New York, New York 2015.
53. Weik von Mossner A., Affective ecologies: empathy, emotion, and environmental narrative, The Ohio State University Press, Columbus 2017, Cognitive approaches to culture.
54. Will Fiction Influence How We React to Climate Change?, 29.07.2014,, 6.02.2015.
55. Bearing Witness to All That's Being Lost: The Millions Interviews Claire Vaye Watkins, 4.10.2021, ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2022.4.6
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Sep 14, 2023
Feb 2, 2023
Edition name | Date |
Małecki W. - Powódź i pył. Rzeki w fikcji klimatycznej | Sep 14, 2023 |
Ubertowska, Aleksandra
Korczyńska-Partyka, Dobrosława
Barcz, Anna
Ubertowska, Aleksandra